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1. Forum rules
a. Posts are to be made in the relevant forum. Users are asked to read the forum descriptions before posting. Users consistently posting to the wrong forum may be given a warning.
b. Members should post in a way that is respectful of other users. Flaming or abusing users in any way will not be tolerated and will lead to a warning.
c. Members are asked to not act as “back seat moderators”. If members note an issue which contravenes something in this policy document they are welcome to bring it to the attention of a member of the Moderation Team. Please use the “post report” feature to report posts. Do not respond to such topics yourself. Members who constantly “act” as moderators may be warned.
d. Members should remember this board is aimed at a general audience. Posting pornographic or generally offensive text, images, links, etc. will not be tolerated and will lead to a warning.
e. Members are asked to respect the copyright of other sites, media, etc.
f. Members should respect the bandwidth of other users and sites. The use of inline [IMG] image tags pointing to data stored on third party systems for which the user has not received permission to link to may be removed.
g. Members should post in a way which is consistent with "normal writing". That is users should not post a beyond excessive numbers of emoticons, large, small or colored text, etc. Similarly users should not SHOUT or use excessive punctuation (e.g. ! and ?) in topic titles or posts. Users consistently abusing this will be warned.
h. Members should use an appropriate, descriptive subject when posting a new topic.
i. Spam is not tolerated here under any circumstance. 
j. The moderating team reserve the right to edit, remove or put on moderation queue any post at any time.
k. The above forum rules where applicable also apply to private messaging. Abuse of the private messaging system may lead to warnings (as above) and/or the revocation of private messaging.

l. The use of foul language is not tolerated. 

2. Attachments
a. Post attachments as a zipped file. There are two exceptions to this rule. 
a1. If the file is a picture it does not require to be zipped 
a2. If the file is a PDF it does not required to be zipped as PDF files are compressed by design.

b. Make sure all attachments are scanned by a good quality virus scanner prior to uploading. If your files are consistently found to contain a virus you may have that access taken away as per our three strike rule.

c. If you are attaching a picture, be kind and make sure the size is appropriate to the forum. Try to keep pictures in the 640 x 480 range as a max. This will help out other users on tablets and on other mobile devices. If you wish to upload a larger picture please do so in the form of a zip file. You may upload a high resolution pic of the same lower resolution picture within the same post. 

3. Signatures
a. Content in signatures should be consistent with normal writing and abide by the general forum etiquette. You may not include hidden text or links.
b. Links in signatures are permitted to a maximum of 5* links. You may not link to questionable sites.
c. Remote signature images must have a consistently high availability to ensure page load times are not affected.
d. Users abusing these rules will be warned or have their signature privileges revoked.

4. Avatars
a. Avatars should be no larger than 125x125 pixels and should not exceed 20KiB (20480 bytes) in size.
b. Avatars are subject to the same conditions as posts with respect to the general forum etiquette.
c. Users abusing these rules will be warned or have their avatar privileges revoked.

5. Policing
a. This forum operates a three strike policy. Users will be warned a maximum of three times for any and all offences in a three month period. If the need arises for a fourth warning a temporary ban will be put in place of between 7 to 30 days. 
b. Arguing with team members after having received a warning will lead to an immediate additional warning. Should this exceed three strikes a temporary ban will be put in place as above.

6.Politics, Religion, & Adult situations
a. Use common sense here, Leave these topics outside our doors! We will not allow the breeding of hate on this forum. 

b.You re however allowed to poke a lighthearted fun at your favorite Sith or Jedi! Just beware that they may not like this and may deal with you swiftly, publicly.

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